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Noncredit Classes for Fun

Health & Safety Courses

Discover balance in life through Community Education's enriching courses.

  • Balance and Mobility (HEAL 7021)
  • Meditation: Beyond Relaxation (HEAL 7103)
  • Stress Management (HEAL 7104)
  • Reduce Stress with Self-Hypnosis (HEAL 7105)
  • For more HEAL courses

*The Health and Safety classes are specifically designed to promote the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

Older Adults Courses

Unlock your creativity with Community Education. Ready to dive into a world of artistic expression and sensory explanation?

  • Woman paintingSensory Awareness (OLDR 7100)
  • The Joy of Drawing (OLDR 7211)
  • Watercolor Painting (OLDR 7212A)
  • Painting in Oils and Acrylic (OLDR 7213)
  • For more OLDR courses

*The Older Adults classes offer lifelong education to promote creative expression, personal growth, community involvement, skills for mental and physicl well-being, and economic self-sufficiency.

Home Economics

Foster creativity and practical knowledge in clothing design.

  • Beg Clothing Construction (HOEC 7100A)
  • Clothing Construction 2 (HOEC 7101A)
  • Clothing Alterations (HOEC 7103A)
  • Serger Sewing (HOEC 7108A)
  • For more HOEC courses