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California College Corps

California College Corps, initiated in the 2022-2023 academic year, is a statewide program that provides paid service opportunities for college students. It enables students to serve their communities while alleviating the burden of student debt and gaining valuable work experience. Participants can earn up to $10,000 by completing up to 450 hours of community service within a local non-profit organization that focuses in K-12 education, climate action, or food insecurity. 


Led by the California Volunteers, Office of the Governor, the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps initiative has three goals: 

  1. Create a generation of civic-minded leaders with the ability to bridge divides and solve problems.
  2. Help low income students graduate college on time with less debt.
  3. Address societal challenges and help build more equitable communities across California.

Our Partners

Allan Hancock College Corps is a member of the Coastal California Consortium, led by Cal Poly, with the following institutions:

coastal consortium