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Student Education Plan

A Student Education Plan (SEP) is a personalized plan that you develop alongside your counselor.  Your plan serves as your guide for which courses to take each semester.  To stay on track, we recommend updating your plan with your counselor every semester to discuss any possibe changes.   

Two types of plans:

Abbreviated SEP

(1st Semeser Plan)

An abbreviated SEP is a first semester plan.  All students are required to complete a first semester plan to earn priority registration.  You can complete a first semester plan on a drop-in.  

Comprehensive SEP

(Semester-by-Semester Plan)

A comprehensive SEP is a semester-by-semester plan which lists all courses needed to complete your educational goal.  It allows you to know the order to take your classes.  You are required to schedule a counseling appointment to complete a comprehensive SEP. 

Do I need a comprehensive SEP?

Yes!  We encourage all students to create a comprehensive SEP with a counselor.  Creating a plan will ensure you take the right classes and stay on track.  Do not waste your time and money.  To create a plan with a counselor, schedule a counseling appointment.  If you are interested in transferring to a university, a transfer counselor will research all required courses based on the universities of your choice.  To create a transfer plan,  schedule a transfer counseling appointment.

What is DegreeWorks?

DegreeWorks is an online tool, located in your myHancock student portal, which allows you to monitor your academic progress towards certificate/degree completion.  It is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, tool that helps you successfully navigate certificate/degree requirements.  Counselors also use DegreeWorks to create your plans.  This allows you to have complete access.

What is a major?

A major is a specific area of study you want to specialize in.  Students earning a certificate/degree at Hancock will choose from our list of programs.  Transfer students will choose from a list of programs at the university. 

I have an idea of what I want to do, but what major do I choose?

You can find majors that are related to, or prepare you for a specific career.  Majors and careers are not always perfectly matched.  For example, to go to law school, any major may be selected.  You may choose to major in business administration because your interest is in real estate law.  You may choose political science or sociology because your interest is in policy making or immigration law.  Knowing your intended career goal will help you select a major.  A counselor can help you select the right major. 

What if I am undecided on my major?

That is ok!  A great place to start is our Career Center.  Our career counselors will help you identify and assess your interests, skills, and aptitudes/abilities.  Schedule your appointment with a career counselor today!

Prior to your appointment, get started on a career assessment. A career assessment can help you identify careers that meet your interests.  Take your results to your appointment to get the conversation started. 

Also, start exploring Hancock's Areas of Interests whether you're goal is to earn a certificate, associate degree, or transfer to a university.  Consider taking the Career Quiz while you're there. 

Career Resources:
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Career One Stop

Why is it important to have a plan as a financial aid student?

We cannot stress enough that taking the right classes is critical as a financial aid student.  If you are receiving a pell grant, you are only funded over your lifetime roughly 6 years.  Cal grant students may receive up to a maximum of 4 years.  For this reason, having a plan will help you stay on track and avoid taking unnecessary classes that will extend your time at Hancock.  

What if I created a plan and now I want to change my goal?

It happens, don't worry.  Remember, plans are not etched in stone; they can be changed or updated as goals change.  If you need to change your goal, schedule a counseling appointment right away so we can get you back on track.

Hancock does not offer my major, now what?

Don't worry, we got you!  Hancock offers a variety of majors, but sometimes we don't offer exactly what you are looking for.  Counselors will help you find colleges who offer your program.  For example, we have a lot of Hancock students interested in dental hygiene, radiology, and respitory therapy.  Unforunately, Hancock does not offer these programs.  Luckily, many of our California Community Colleges offer these amazing programs.  A counselor will help you identify these colleges and develop a plan to ensure you meet their admission requirements.  So basically, start here, go anywhere! 

Students wishing to transfer to a university may choose a major in which we don't offer.  That is also okay.  Again, a counselor will develop a plan to meet the university transfer requirements based on the major you select.  A counselor will also help you choose a Hancock major that is similar to the courses you will take as part of your transfer plan. 

How often should I meet with a counselor after I created my plan?

Updating your plan every semester is important.  Counselors want to make sure you stay on track and make changes to your plan, as needed.  Transfer students are strongly encouraged to meet with a counselor every semester to stay up-to-date with university requirements.  Schedule a counseling appointment to update your plan.