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Cost to Attend

Enrollment and Tuition Fees

Enrollment fees are set by the state at $46/unit for California residents.

You can apply for Financial Aid by visiting their website. The Financial Aid process starts by applying for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Once your application is submitted and Financial Aid has received it, you can login to myHancock and look under the Financial Aid tab for your Financial Aid eligibility and information.

Enrollment and Nonresident Tuition Fees

  • $46 Enrollment Fee per unit.

Nonresident tuition for non-California residents

  • Non-resident tuition fees are assessed for those enrolled in more than 6 units. Exemption given to students enrolling in 6 or fewer units (not applicable for international students). Once student reaches 6.5 units or more, all units will be assessed the nonresident tuition fees.
  • $391 per unit ($364 per unit beginning Fall 2024),  plus $46 per unit enrollment fee.
  • Payment plans available for non-resident tuition fees  

(Fees above may increase each year due to state legislation and Board action.)


Cost and Purpose

CCPG Eligible

Other Fees
Health Supervision and Services Fee

$26 - Fall and Spring Semester

$22 - Summer Semester and Winter Intersession

More information on benefits and exemptions


Student ID Cards

Free - Photo ID card and replacements

An ID card is required to use the following areas:

  • Computer Resources Centers
  • Language Lab
  • Library services
  • Math Center
  • Open Access Computer Labs
  • Physical Fitness lab and other labs and classes
  • Writing Center 
  • (Photo ID) Discounted PCPA tickets
  • (Photo ID) Free Athletic event admission
Student Body Center Building and Operating Fee $1 per unit up to a maximum of $10 per academic year for classes held at the Santa Maria Campus  YES
Student Representation Fee $2 per semester. This optional fee provides support for student representatives to lobby for legislation, such as bills that will keep enrollment fees at the lowest possible level. Any student who does not wish to pay the Student Representation fee must select the waiver button online during registration period.   NO

Parking Fee
(Virtual Permit)



Four-wheel and two-wheel motor vehicles
$20 - Fall and Spring Semesters
$10 - Summer Sessions
$2 - One-day permit

More Parking Information


Physical Education at Non-district Facilities Fee A usage fee is charged to those who enroll in some P.E. classes held off campus. See online course description for details. NO
Materials Fee See online course description for individual courses requiring a materials fee. NO


Non-Sufficient Funds Check

A check that was submitted to the college as a form of payment, sent to the bank, and then returned to the college because the payee had non-sufficient funds in their bank account to pay for the check.

  • $25.00
    Service charge for collection of the non-sufficient funds check.
  • A hold will be placed on your student account until the charge has been paid.


Returned Check

A check that was submitted to the college as a form of payment, sent to the bank, and then returned to the college for any reason; for example, a stop payment, account closed, or refer to maker.

  • $25.00
    Service charge for collection of the returned check.
  • A hold will be placed on your student account until the charge has been paid.

Returned E-Check (ACH)

An E-Check that was submitted online to the college as a form of payment, sent to the bank, and then returned to the college for any reason; for example, a stop payment, account closed, or refer to maker.

  • $12.00
    Service charge for collection of the returned   E-Check.
  • A hold will be placed on your student account until the charge has been paid.

Credit Card Dispute

  • $25.00
  • Any "disputes" placed on a valid credit card payment will result in a $25 fee.
  • A hold will be placed on your student account until the charge has been paid.

Payment of Fees 

Student payment options:

  1. Online with a credit card/debit card or electronic check payment, at the time of registration or by established deadline (see below)
  2. In person by established deadline (see below). Students may pay in person on the Santa Maria campus at Cashier Services, bldg. A; Community Education, bldg. S; or at the Lompoc Valley, and Santa Ynez Valley center offices during cashier hours. Call the center of your choice for hours.
  3. Complete Credit Card Authorization Form and fax to the number listed on the form. Form is also located on the Cashier Services webpage under the Forms link.  Due to PCI compliance (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) we are unable to accept emailed credit card authorization forms.
  • Santa Maria Campus 805-922-6966
    • Cashier Services (bldg. A): ext. 3270 or 3582
    • Community Education (bldg. S):   ext. 3209
  • Lompoc Valley Center 805-735-3366
  • Santa Ynez Valley Center (805) 922-6966 ext. 3355

Students will not be dropped from classes, but unpaid balances will result in a hold on your account and will affect your ability to register for future courses.

It is still the students' responsibility to drop any courses they no longer want to attend.   

Payment Information

We encourage you to make your payment as soon as possible to avoid having a hold placed on your student account which will prevent further registration activity. 

If you are awaiting financial aid, please ensure that you have completed the 2021-2022 FAFSA. You should also check the Financial Aid webpage and go to Step 3 on how to check the status of your financial aid file. If you have any financial aid questions, please call 805-922-6966 ext. 3200 or by email at 

To verify your account balance, sign in to your myHancock portal. Select the Fees and Balances link and then select  the View fees and deadlines link.