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Creating a new web form

Forms are designed to allow users to easily create surveys, RSVPs, volunteer sign ups, appointment forms, and other types of questionnaires. It is not recommended to use LDP Forms to collect sensitive information such as credit card or social security numbers.

Creating the formLink to this section

  1. Log into Modern Campus CMS on any page you have access to
  2. Hover over the Content tab and click on Assets
  3. Select the asset Form
  4. Give the form asset a descriptive easy to remember name
  5. Give a description describing what the form is used for
  6. In the Form Elements toolbar, drag elements to the main window to build your form.
  7. Configure success and failure messages for form submissions. While you can format the text using the mini-WYSIWYG editors, the appearance of the messages is also defined by your site styling.
  8. Check "Save Results in Database" to record form submissions.
  9. Use "Submission Button Text" to customize the submission button text.
  10. Click Create to make the asset.
  11. Submit the form asset for publication.

Your asset is now available for use on pages, but must be published before it appears on any live webpages.

Accessing Form Data

If form results are saved in a database, you can view them in Modern Campus CMS, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Content > Assets.
  2. Click Form Submissions.
  3. To download a CSV file that you can open in Excel, select the Export CSV button