Additional Career Resources
ACT WorkKeys
Assessments that measure foundational skills required for success in the workplace
and help measure the workplace skills that affect job performance. opportunities, job search and labor market information, etc.
California Career Zone
Assessment tool, overview of industry sectors and career paths, occupational average
wages, employment opportunities, job search and labor market information, etc.
Contains resources for students, counselors, parents, teachers, in short, anyone interested
in developing the career self-management skills necessary in today's world of work.
CTE Online
A place for professionals to support and promote available career technical education
curriculum and resources.
O*Net OnLine
The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledge, work activities,
and interests associated with occupations. This information can be used to facilitate
career exploration, vocational counseling, and a variety of human resources functions,
such as developing job orders and position descriptions and aligning training with
current workplace needs.
Roadtrip Nation
A site with tools, stories and resources supporting and encouraging people to find
their passion and inspiration in life in order to create fulfilling careers and life
A website for teachers by teachers that aims to continuously inform and encourage
teaching as well as give the steps and resources to become an educator in California.