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Embedded Tutoring

What is Embedded Tutoring?

An embedded tutor works closely with the instructor throughout the course to help students understand course concepts and enhance student engagement. The tutor will attend class meetings each week and functions as a peer mentor in the classroom to model successful academic strategies and habits.

Embedded tutors use “best practices” learned during the tutor training they receive at the beginning of the semester as well as from the instructors, whom they work with, as they gain on-the job experience. An embedded tutor may help facilitate in-class small group exercises or discussions, assist in laboratory settings, or provide one-to-one assistance. The embedded tutor may also provide one-on-one tutoring and hold study sessions for students outside of the designated class time and at the discretion of the instructor.

Visit the new AHC Tutoring services website by clicking this link!

Primary Goals

  • To improve student retention and success by providing tutoring and counseling support in transfer-level courses in historically challenging courses. 
  • To help students understand course concepts and enhance student engagement.
  • To inspire students by having a class tutor who also acts as a guide and models academic behavior. 

Embedded tutoring may help students with respect to the following areas:

  • improve retention, persistence, and student success; 

  • give students a chance for more individualized attention and feedback during class activities;

  • provide examples of good study habits, a growth mindset, and other helpful student success skills;

  • improve a student’s self and academic efficacy;

  • expose students to tutoring who may not seek it otherwise;

  • provide outside group study sessions;

  • support the growth of AHC tutors in their educational and professional goals;

  • offer a rewarding experience that will allow them to build their interpersonal and leadership skills through mentorship by an experienced instructor. 

All embedded tutors attend tutor training provided jointly by the Academic Resource Center, Math Center, and STEM Center that covers tutor andragogy and techniques to effectively work as a tutor at Allan Hancock College.

One of the goals is to provide embedded tutors with systematic training and support.  Teaching, learning, and tutoring are skills; it takes guidance and practice to understand the relationship between the three. 

Instructors also contribute to the ongoing training, specific to the subject area, as the tutor works with the course instructor throughout the semester. 

Although embedded tutoring works differently in each area due to the nature of the course material, all embedded tutors must have successfully completed the course in which they will tutor and have been recommended by their professor. 

 Current funding supports embedded tutors for some English, math, and science courses. If you are interested in becoming an embedded tutor in that area, please contact the embedded tutoring faculty leads for the appropriate area:

1. Students/Embedded Tutors: for classroom questions, contact your instructor.

2. Embedded Tutors/Faculty: Contact your faculty lead or instructor for work hours and payroll-related questions:

3. Embedded Tutors/Faculty: For questions about the training or tutoring strategies, contact the program coordinators: 

  • Please contact Elaine Healy, Assistant Professor/Academic Resource Center Coordinator, to discuss options for securing an embedded tutor. It is always best to have an identified tutor in mind, but we can also assist you in recruiting new tutors.
  • Funding for embedded tutor positions varies. SEAP or the Title V grant can support tutors for some English, math, and science. For courses outside that area, please speak with your dean about funding.
  • All embedded tutors must complete tutor training offered by the Tutorial Center.